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AB- is an extremely rare blood type, occurring in 1% or less of the population in any given area.

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Q: What is the probability for blood type AB?
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A man with blood type o marries a blood type ab what are their childrens probability in blood types?

The children will have type AB

What is the probability of an AB and Rh- blood type combination?


What is the probability that their first child of a man and woman with type AB blood will have type O blood?


Man with blood type B marries a woman with blood type A and their child is blood type O what is the porbabtility their next child will be blood type AB or B?

The probability of their next child being blood type AB is 0% because neither parent carries the AB blood type. The probability of their next child being blood type B is 25% because the father carries the B allele, which can be passed on to the child.

Mrs Smith has blood Type A her father has blood Type A and her mother has blood Type B. If Mr Smith has blood Type AB what is the probability that they will have a child with blood Type AB?

The probability that they will have a child with blood Type AB is 1/4. This is because each parent can pass on either the A or B allele to their child, resulting in four possible combinations: AA, AB, BA, and BB. Since Mr. Smith has the AB combination, there is a 1 in 4 chance that the child will also have blood Type AB.

Mrs. Smith has blood type A. Her father has blood type A and her mother has blood type B. If Mr. Smith has blood type AB what is the probability that they will have a child with blood type AB?

We are looking for the possible blood types of a baby.Parental information:Mrs Smith = Type AO = contributes A or O geneHer father Type A (AA/AO), Mother Type B (BB/BO)Mr. Smith = Type AB = contributes A or B geneBaby Type AB(?)Baby Smith receives one gene from each parent: Baby type AA,Baby type ABBaby type AOBaby type BOThe baby has a 25% chance of having Type AB blood.

What is Shikamaru's blood type?

Shikamaru Nara's blood type is AB.

What blood type will the baby have with a mother with type a blood and father with type ab blood?

Possible blood types of the child with a mother who has A blood type and a father who has AB blood type are A, B, and AB. :)

Why is blood type inherited by codominance?

Blood Type: AB

What is the only blood type that can receive AB blood?

I am blood typr AB+ and i donate. The only type I can receive is AB+

Can ab- blood receive blood from any type?

The blood type AB is a universal receiver meaning it can receive blood from blood types A, B, AB, and O.

If your dad is type A blood and your mum is type B or type AB blood what is your blood type?

A,ab or b