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Prompt indentificaton, isolation and treatment of malaria patients, eradication of mosquitoes and protection of the healthy population from mosquitoes are the basic strategies to prevent malaria.

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Q: What is the preventive measures of malaria?
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there is no cure for malaria, however, it can be treated with doses of quinine, also to be used as a preventive measure.

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Let's try some preventive measures.

How did the explorers get malaria?

Explorers can get malaria from being bitten by infected mosquitoes in regions where the disease is prevalent. Malaria is caused by a parasite spread through the bite of mosquitos carrying the parasite. It is important for explorers to take preventive measures such as taking anti-malarial medication and using mosquito repellent when traveling to high-risk areas.

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Why are preventive measures and biological control methods be preferred for crop protection?

Preventive measures and biological control methods are preferred for crop protection because they are typically safer for the environment, humans, and beneficial organisms. They also help to reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides, which can have harmful effects on ecosystems and human health. Additionally, they can be more sustainable in the long run by promoting natural pest control mechanisms and reducing the development of pesticide resistance.

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Empowering women through education and coming up with the legislative laws are two preventive measures of violence against women.

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The way is rescue them and get them a job.