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PROM occurs in about 10% of all pregnancies. Only about 20% of these cases are preterm PROM. Preterm PROM is responsible for about 34% of all premature births.

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13y ago

The prevalence of premature birth is 1 out of every 10 infants born in the United States.

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Premature rupture of membranes occurs when the amniotic sac is torn, causing the amniotic fluid to leak out.

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Only if the premature birth was enough to affect developmental or other functions in the child.

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Placental abruption is a medical condition in which the placenta detaches from the uterus.

What are some of the risk factors for prematurity or premature birth?

Prematurity is much more common in multiple pregnancy and for mothers who have a history of miscarriages or who have given birth to a premature infant in the past.

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Minor disabilities like learning problems, poor coordination, or short attention span may be the result of premature birth, but can be overcome with early intervention.

What is the risk of serious longterm complications with prematurity or premature birth?

Risk factors depend on weight at birth and if breathing problems exist. Premature boy babies have a lower survival rate than premature girl babies. Infection or a birth defect can also affect outcomes.

What is the latest research on preventing prematurity or premature birth?

The latest research is a new medication (17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate) which may help to prevent spontaneous premature births.

How is prematurity or premature birth diagnosed?

Prematurity is diagnosed by determining the gestational age of the baby using ultrasound imaging, calculating from a date of conception, using the Dubowitz exam, electronic fetal monitoring, blood samples.

What is the minimum gestation period for an infant to survive premature birth or prematurity?

The minimum gestation period is 23 weeks gestational age (17 weeks premature) for the infant to survive due to advances in medical technology.

What is the medical condition retinopathy of prematurity in premature infants?

Retinopathy of prematurity is a condition in which the blood vessels in the baby's eyes do not develop normally, and can, in some cases, result in blindness.

What is corioamnionitis?

I have had 2 premature babies. The doctors said that Coriaomnionitis is the leading cause of premature births in the united states. It is a bacteria that attacks the membranes in your womb causing prematurity.