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The gland may play a significant role in sexual maturation, circadian rhythm and sleep induction, and seasonal affective disorder and depression. In animals it is known to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation, and seasonal breeding. body rhythms and sleep cycles

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Q: What is the pineal gland primarily responsible for controlling?
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Glands that release hormone called melatonin?

The pineal gland is responsible for releasing melatonin.

What regulates glands?

The pineal gland regulates sleep. The pineal gland is the gland that produces melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for people falling asleep.

What glands regulates sleep?

The pineal gland regulates sleep. The pineal gland is the gland that produces melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for people falling asleep.

What is the bdifference between the pineal gland and the pineal body?

The terms pineal gland and pineal body refer to the same structure in the brain, which is a small endocrine gland located near the center of the brain. It is responsible for producing melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

Which gland is responsible for controlling feelings?

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Define pineal gland?

"any" disorder of the pineal gland is pinealopathy.

What gland produces melatonin?

pineal gland

What is the disease of the pineal gland?

Pinealoma (pineal/o meaning pineal gland and -oma meaning tumor)PinelomaPinealomaA pinealoma can disrupt the production of melatonin.

What endocrine gland is located near the base of the cerebrum which secretes melatonin?

The pineal gland (or, epiphysis) synthesizes and secretes melatonin.

What structure secretes the hormone melatonin?

pineal gland

What gland produces the hormone melatonin an regulates dailey cycles?

pineal gland

According to Descartes the site in the brain at which the mind and body interact is the?

According to Descartes, the pineal gland is the site in the brain at which the mind and body interact. He believed that it served as a point of contact between the immaterial mind and the material body, allowing for communication and influence between the two.