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The phobia of outerspace is called Spacephobia.

There are also phobias for confined space (claustrophobia), open spaces (agoraphobia), and empty spaces (cenophobia).

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Q: What is the phobia of space?
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it is claustraphobia mate :) i have a phobia of sharks :(

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Claustrophobia is a fear of enclosed spaces.

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Claustrophobia is considered to be the opposite of agoraphobia. Claustrophobia is the fear of being indoors or in a tight and compacted space. Agoraphobia is the fear of being outdoors and in an open and spacious space.

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Its Claustrophobia, it is also the fear of being in closed in a confined space

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It sounds stupid, but it's spacephobia. Astrophobia is the fear of celestial space. (sky, heavens, etc)

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The fear of planets is known as astrophobia. This can manifest as a fear of celestial bodies or space in general. It is a specific phobia that can cause anxiety or panic in individuals when thinking about or encountering planets.

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Social Phobia is the phobia of embarrassment. It is the phobia in which a person is scared of being bullied.

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The irrational fear is called a phobia; the experience or object that triggers a phobia could be called a phobic experience or object.