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Q: What is the period of rotion for all the planits?
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Why do you have days?

because of the tilt on the earth and the rotion that it is on

Why do planits orbit the sun?

Because of gravity.

Do things liv on planits?

yes. there are small galaxies on every leaf in existance. we are on a leaf as well.

How many planits in your solar systim have no moon?

Only two planets have no moon. Mercury and Venus.

All waves are produced by?

There is literally no answer to this. Waves are produced by many different things. In the effort to salvage some kind of answerable question from this, most waves in the ocean are produced by wind.

List 9 planits in oder from the sun out?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto k

Do you believe that there millions of planits and not just earth?

Well yes, Mars, Juipiter, Neptune are some examples of other planets besides earth

The yearly orbit of Earth around the Sun is called its?

The yearly orbit of Earth around the Sun is called its revolution. This movement takes approximately 365.25 days to complete, resulting in the length of a year.

What is special about a period on the periodic table?

all elements in a period all have the same amount of shells example: all elements in period 1 has only 1 shell all elements in period 2 has 2 shells so the period number is the same as the number of shells in that period

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All girls get the period

Why do some girls not get a period?

All girls get the period

The period of elements that are all radioactive?

All elements comprising the period 7 in the periodic table are radioactive. In total this period has 32 elements.