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Q: What is the outer skin of the leaf called?
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What is the skin on a leaf called?

The outer layer of a leaf's skin is called the waxy cuticle, or just cuticle. You could also include the next layer, the epidermis layer. Mostly, though, the leaf's skin is called the 'Leaf surface'.

What is the outer layer of its leaf called and what is its function?

The outer layer of a leaf is called the epidermis (from a Greek word meaning "over-skin"). Its function is to protect the insides of the leaf, which carry out the chemical reaction known as photosynthesis.

What is the outer layer of the leaf called and what are its functions?

The outer layer of the leaf is called the cuticle. Its functions include reducing water loss through evaporation, protecting the leaf from pathogens and herbivores, and serving as a barrier against harmful UV radiation.

What do you call the outer skin of a leaf?


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The outer skin of a fruit is called the peel. the outer skin of a peach or grape is called the 'epicarp'.

What is the outer layer of a leaf called?


What make a leaf waterproof?

The upper skin of the leaf has a layer of wax on it, called a cuticle. This makes the leaf waterproof. The upper skin of the leaf has a layer of wax on it, called a cuticle. This makes the leaf waterproof.

What does the different layers of skin do?

EPIDERMIS-- is the outer layer of the leaf its protect the inner tissuesa layer of way is present called cuticleon top

What is the outer surface of a leaf called?


What is The outer protective layer of a leaf is called the?


What is the outer skin of an oak tree called?

The outer skin of an oak tree is called the bark. It is also known as rhytidome.

What is the outer skin of the oak tree called?

The outer skin of an oak tree is called the bark. It is also known as rhytidome.