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Q: What is the other name of sore throat?
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What is the scientific name for a sore throat?

The scientific name for a sore throat is "pharyngitis."

Can you transmit a sore throat by breathing on someone?

Most people who get a sore throat have other factors besides the sore throat leaving your window open at night going out when your hair is wet they may have had the common cold or dry throat might cause it but i don't think you could get sore throat by breathing on someone.

How do you spell the word sore throat?

Sore throat is not a single word; it is two words, "sore" and "throat".

Who has the two homophones that name an animal with a sore throat?


What is a sore throat sweet used for?

to sooth a sore throat.

What is sore throat sweet used for?

to sooth a sore throat.

How do you know if it is sore throat or strep throat?

It's called a sore throat because it hurts. If you feel pain in your throat, that is a sore throat.

Does it hurt to eat soup with a sore throat?

it depends on how the sore throat is.

Why do you get a sore throat.?

Your throat (and tonsils if you still have them) are a 'safety net' - catching viruses and other bugs that would make their way into your lungs. The inflammation in a sore throat is simply the body's defences fighting the infection.

How can a sore throat lead to heart disease?

A sore throat has no connection to heart disease.

What do you call a pony with a sore throat?

a little hoarse

Can you spread a sore throat by clearing your throat?

No, clearing your throat cannot spread a sore throat to others. Sore throats are typically caused by viruses or bacteria that are transmitted through close contact or airborne droplets. Simply clearing your throat does not release enough of the virus or bacteria to spread the infection.