hammer curl targets the bicep branchi and preacher curl targets the lower area of biceps..
a hammer curl
The primary muscle attached at the point of insertion is the muscle that undergoes the most movement when the muscle contracts. For example, in the bicep curl exercise, the bicep muscle is the primary muscle attached at its point of insertion on the radius bone in the forearm.
Chin-ups, just as most exercises use a primary & secondary muscle group. The primary muscle group would be the back (or latissimus dorsi). This is what helps to give that "V" - shape in the torso area. (along with slimming down the torso area, of course) The secondary muscle group would be the biceps. Depending on your grip position, you can focus either more on your "lats", or arms.
The Agonist muscle. In contrast, the muscle group that has passive action(the muscle being stretched) is called the antagonis muscle. For example, when doing a bicep curl. Your biceps are the agonists and your triceps would be the antagonists.
if you're speaking anatomically (as in origin and insertion), the origin of the bicep curl would be its fixed attachment at the supraglenoid tubercle and the coracoid process (two heads), as a bicep curl is an open chain motion (distal end is free moving --> proximal end is the origin). it would be more correct, though, to say refer to it as the origin of the biceps during a bicep curl.
A curl-up on a stable surface, rectus abdominis muscle activity was 21% of MVC and external oblique muscle activity was 5% of MVC.
Hammer toes are a foot deformity where the middle joint of the toe bends abnormally. This causes the toe to curl or buckle, resembling a hammer. It can be painful and may be caused by wearing tight shoes or muscle imbalances.
The triceps muscle (and still the biceps muscle, to a certain extent).
The Front Curl works with the biceps.
= abdominals=
The leg curl and leg extension exercises strengthens two muscle groups. The two muscle groups are the hamstring muscles and the quads or quadricep muscles.