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mamory glands

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Q: What is the organ that provides a baby milk?
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What provides nourishment for the baby in the Womb?

The organ that provides the nourishment is the placenta but the umbilical cord transports the nutrients to the fetus.

What provides instructions to cells forming an organ?

DNA provides instructions to cells in forming an organ.

What part of the female body feeds the baby?

The breast feeds the baby. It produces milk that provides essential nutrients and antibodies necessary for the baby's growth and development.

Who take care of the sloth baby?

Baby sloths are raised by their mothers. They hang on to their mom and she carries them that way. She also provides them with milk until they are able to eat only solid food.

What organ that provides a snake with its keen sense of smell?

the Jacobson's organ

Why is the placenta called an afterbirth after the baby is born?

The placenta is called an afterbirth because it is expelled from the mother's body after the baby is born. It is a temporary organ that provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus during pregnancy, but is no longer needed once the baby is born.

In what female organ does a developing baby grow?

The female organ that a developing baby grows in is the uterus.

Who provides the milk for Western Family Food?

meadow gold provides the milk for western family

What organ provides hormones?


What provides instructions to cells on forming an organ?

deoxyribonucleic acid

What do the baby eat?

mother's milk, formula milk and baby food

Who raises the baby rhinos?

A baby rhinoceros is raised by its mother. The mother provides milk for the calf until it is old enough to eat only solid food. She also protects her calf from predators.