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"Normal" is relative. It depends on a variety of factors, including whether or not they are diabetic, what point they feel "low", how well they manage their Diabetes, medications and conditions, and hormones.

An average range is 80-120.

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Q: What is the normal fasting blood glucose range in a diabetic teenager?
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Blood glucose levels normal range is?

Normal range for fasting blood glucose is 65-99 mg/dl.

What is normal glucose levels?

Glucose levels are different for different times. There are 3 glucose tests that are given. One is a fasting test, where your glucose levels are tested after fasting. Normal fasting blood glucose level is less than 100 mg of glucose per dl of blood.

How high is fasting blood sugar 7.0?

7.0 mmol/L (outside the US) is the usual borderline for diabetic fasting blood sugar. Higher is considered "likely diabetic" and lower is considered "likely normal". A single blood test (especially near the borderline) isn't usually adequate to determine diabetic status and needs to be confirmed with a glucose tolerance test.

What is a glucose level?

Glucose levels are different for different times. There are 3 glucose tests that are given. One is a fasting test, where your glucose levels are tested after fasting. Normal fasting blood glucose level is less than 100 mg of glucose per dl of blood.

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How does fasting affect glucose levels?

Fasting affects glucose levels by reducing below what might be considered normal levels. It is safe as long as blood glucose levels do not drop below around 60 milligrams.

Fasting blood sugar levels?

my glucose fasting level is 125mg/dl, is it okay or normal

A person is fasting blood glucose level of 101 mg dL would be classified?

A person with fasting blood glucose level of 101 mg/dL would be classified as normal.

What is a normal level of glucose in a fasting blood sugar test used to diagnose insulin resistance?

A normal fasting glucose level is typically under 100 mg/dL. Levels between 100-125 mg/dL indicate prediabetes, while levels higher than 126 mg/dL may suggest diabetes. Insulin resistance can be assessed by measuring fasting insulin levels or with a glucose tolerance test.

What is normal blood sugar in human body?

The normal blood glucose in humans is close to, but this level can change throughout the day. Your glucose levels are usually lower in the morning, and rise after eating meals throughout the day. The normal blood glucose level for people that are not diabetic should be between 70mm to 100mm. People who are diabetic should be at 70mm to 130mm before meals, and less than 180mm after eating meals.

My latest blood test after fasting is 108?

A blood glucose level of 108 mg/dL after fasting is within normal range. Normal fasting blood glucose levels typically range from 70 to 100 mg/dL. It's a good idea to monitor your blood sugar levels regularly to ensure they stay within the normal range.

What is normal glucose levels for diabetic?

It's where your glucose level is higher than usual (ex: normal range:85-99 ---> glucose-100) and your glucose might be out-of-control (where when you consume sugar, your glucose goes up irregularly [unusually]).