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Its completly normal since the contact lense is depriving your eye of oxygen dont worry

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Q: What is the normal amount of blood vessels in your eye. i wear soft contacts and I've gotten some blood vessels in my eyes ever since i started wearing my contacts is it normal?
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Can you take out your contact lenses if you've been wearing them for only an hour?

Yes, there is no repercussions for taking out your contacts. It is not recommended to were them for an excessive amount of time. However, I sleep with mine in, so I am sure that you are fine.

Why do people who had glasses for several years and finally get contacts have a baby face?

Well, I would say because wearing glasses protects the area around the eyes and reduces the amount of wrinkles normally caused by exposure to the elements. As well, people who have vision problems squint to make up for the lack of actual fine muscle response in their eyes and wearing contacts could make the user's face relax when they no longer have to squint.

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No, there is not a limit to the number of contacts you can have for your email account. They do limit contacts for your Messenger account, but not for email.

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Because it's the only part of your body that's normally 'uncovered'. Evolution started reducing the amount of body hair humans have, when we started wearing clothes.

How does one start an email campaign?

You can start an email campaign by first adding a great amount of people to your contacts list that you wish you send emails to. Then you send a well written forward, about what you wish to start a campaign about,to your whole contacts list. Once people start replying left and right, you then have started an email campaign.

The blood in what vessels contains the least amount of waste in the body?

The pulmonary veins have the least amount of waste.

Where can you get Contact lens for a discount?

Many companies offer discount contacts. One of the most known is 1-800-CONTACTS. Talk to your optometrist or look on the internet and you can find a numerous amount of companies offering discount contacts.

When the blood vessels clog does that affect the amount of blood that can pass through?


How do you transfer contacts from a nokia to the Samsung corby?

It Is Not Possible directly. But If You Have Little Amount Of Contacts Then You Can Take The Help Of The SIM Card. Move The Contacts From Nokia's Phone memory To The SIM Memory..Then Insert The SIM To The Samsung Mobile Phone Then Move The Contacts To Samsung's Phone memory. OR You Can Do It The Hard Way By Manual Typing..

As a contact lens wearer what does it mean if you get new veins growing in the white bit of the eye?

AnswerYour eyes are not getting enough oxygen. The situation should be rectified by either new contacts and/or reducing the amount of time that you wear the lenses on a daily basis. Continued growth of these vessels could cause serious problems.

How do you get from getting eye redness while wearing contacts?

Well if you mean bloodshot it is probably caused by abrasions(scratches on the eye) from the contact moving as you blink. It irritates your eye until it is red and blood shot. if you have this problem, i do too, you shouldn't wear your contacts and take some type of eye drops. You can wear your contacts when they are healed. Bloodshot eyes can also result from lack of oxygen, as contact lenses restrict the amount of oxygen that can reach your eyes.

What will happen if you share contacts?

If you share contact lenses, what happens will depend on the amount of time the first person wore the contacts, if the contacts were only on the persons eyes for a few seconds or a minute then if you clean them there will be no problem, if the contacts were on for hours then the next different person that where's them their eyes will start to burn, water, and they will probably get an eye infection.