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It is called by various names. Acute viral nasopharyngitis is one of the more common names. It is also referred to as rhinopharyngitis and acute coryza. It can also be called an upper respiratory infection or URI. But, it is mostly referred to as the common cold or referenced as an infection by the specific viruses that cause the common cold. Colds are usually caused by the rhinovirus (up to 40% of colds), or Coronaviruses (about 20%), but there are more than 200 viruses that can cause the common cold.

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8y ago
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11y ago

For descriptions of a cold, one of many terms that could be used to describe a common cold is Rhinorrhea. It describes one of the typical symptoms of a common cold. Rhinorrhea means runny nose.

If you are looking for other names for the condition of a common cold itself, then there are many:

  • Acute viral nasopharyngitis is one of the more common names.

  • It is also referred to as rhinopharyngitis

  • Another is acute coryza.

  • Viral Upper Respiratory Infection is a commonly used broad term but it is not exclusive to the common cold. It can also be used as a broad term for viral infections of other sections of the upper respiratory system, such as the trachea and upper parts of the bronchial tubes (which would be usually be called bronchitis). It is often shortened to the acronym, URI or viral URI.

  • The common cold can also be referenced as an infection caused by the specific viruses that cause common colds. Colds are usually caused by the rhinovirus (up to 40% of colds), or Coronaviruses (about 20%), but there are more than 200 viruses that can cause the common cold. Then the terms used might be rhinovirus URI, rhinovirus infection, or a coronavirus URI or infection.

  • In lay terms, it is most often referred to as the common cold or just a cold.

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10y ago

The common cold is an illness which is often confused for the flu due to the similarity of symptoms. Another name for the common cold is a viral upper respiratory infection.

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12y ago

Yes that is the nickname the scientific term is nasopharyngitis

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11y ago

The common cold is described in medical terminology as rhinopharyngitis and nasopharyngitis or acute coryza. These terms focus on the nasal and throat aspects that are common to a cold.

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12y ago

Another name for a cold is flu

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13y ago

Acute nasopharyngitis.

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