Hypotension in surgery refers to the intentional lowering of the patient's arterial blood pressure during the procedure. Lowering blood pressure has been shown to reduce blood loss and the consequent need for transfusions.
A sclerostomy is a surgical procedure in which a small hole is made in the sclera, the white outer layer of the eye. This procedure is typically performed to relieve intraocular pressure in conditions such as glaucoma by allowing excess fluid to drain from the eye.
A pressure gauge simply measures and visibly indicates pressure in a system . It does not reduce the pressure. For that you need a PRV (pressure reduction valve ).
Guidelines say to follow the PEEP or Position, Examine, Elevate, Pressure procedure for bleeding management. Position the wound so that it is easy to treat. Examine the wound for severity or objects. Elevate the wound to help reduce the bleeding. Pressure, apply pressure to the wound to help reduce bleeding and promote clotting of the wound. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES!!!
we can reduce boiler pressure from 8 kg to 6kg by providing pressure reducing valve that is PRV
Just add enough water.
By limiting the steps to complete a procedure to the minimum.
biasing check valves can reduce pressure during pedal-induced rear caliper bleeds. vacuum bleeding gives much better results.
Creniotomy is a surgical procedure where a bone is removed from the skull to access the brain, usually performed to relieve pressure on the brain caused by conditions such as traumatic brain injury or swelling. It allows for the removal of blood clots, tumors, or to reduce pressure in the brain to prevent further damage.
Portal hypertension is defined as a sustained elevation of portal pressure above normal.Normal pressure in the portal vein is low (5 to 10 mmHg)Portal hypertension (>10 mmHg) most commonly results from increased resistance to portal blood flow.Causesa combination of increased portal venous inflow and increased resistance to portal blood flowPortal hypertension may arise from increased blood flow, but the low outflow resistance of the normal liver makes this a rare clinical problem.pathogenesisincreased splanchnic venous inflowVasodilators (Nitric oxide)Increased resistance to portal blood flowPrehepatic causesIntrahepatic causes: classic sinusoidal cause -- cirrhosisPosthepatic causesClinical Featuresdevelopment of portal-systemic collateral channelssplenomegaly with hypersplenismascites