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Q: What is the network of nervous?
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What is the communication network of our body?

the___system is the body's communication network

Which network is responsible for personal habits and skills?

which network is responsible for personal habbits and skills? (nervous system)

What is the network of the sensory and motor nerves?

The network of sensory and motor nerves together is called the peripheral nervous system.

Is the nervous system a network of cells and tissue?

Yes, for the most part.

What is the name of a network of interlacing nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system?


The body's control center and communication network which directs the functions of the body's organs and system is the?

The body's control center and communication network that directs the functions of the body's organs and systems is the nervous system. It processes information from the senses, sends signals to different parts of the body, and coordinates movement and responses to stimuli.

What is the basic mode of operation of the nervous system?

Nervous system is a network of neurons that regulate bodily processes and respnsible for all aspects of our conscious experience.

What is the communication network called that controls and coordinates most body activities?

The communication network that controls and coordinates most body activities is called the nervous system. It is a complex network of specialized cells called neurons that transmit signals between different parts of the body, allowing for rapid communication and coordination of various physiological processes.

A network of intersecting nerves in the peripheral nervous system is called a?

plexus (plural: plexuses)

What is nervus system?

The nervous system is the sensory and control apparatus consisting of a network of nerve cells.

Network of cells and fibers in the human body studied by a neuroscientist?

The central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, consists of a network of cells and fibers studied by neuroscientists. This network is responsible for processing and transmitting information throughout the body, regulating various functions such as movement, perception, and cognition. Neuroscientists study how this intricate network operates to understand brain function and behavior.

To what major division of the nervous system does the spinal cord belong?

peripheral nervous system, or PNS, consists of the nerves outside the cns.