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Touch and pressure is found along the cental sulcus of the parietal lobe, taste in the frontal lobe, smell in the temporal lobe, hearing also in the temporal lobe and vision in the occipital lobe.

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14y ago

It does this through brain connections to various cranial nerves, which then provide sensory and/or motor connections to the sensory organs.

For example, the sense of smell is experienced via the olfactory nerve, Cr. N. I

Eyesight is via the optic nerve, Cr. N. II, and movement of the eyball occurs through Cranial N. III, IV, and VI.

Hearing is via the vestibulocochlear Cr. N. VIII

Taste is via the glossopharyngeal Cr. N. IX

Touch is through many sensory and motor pathways, throughout the body.

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14y ago

The central nervous system controls the five senses. It takes sensory input from the peripheral nervous system.

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Q: What is the nervous system that controls the voluntary functions of the five senses?
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What nervous system division is referred to as the fight or flight system?

The fight or flight actually has nothing to do with the vertebra at all. The Autonomic and Somatic Nervous systems which are included in the Peripheral Nervous system completely control the Fight or Flight response. The Autonomic controls all the nerves of all Voluntary Functions of the body and the Somatic controls the Non-Voluntary functions. The situation that activates this response is registered in the brain which sends signals to specific parts of the brain which are all included in the Central Nervous System or CNS. Such as, the Frontal lobe which would contain all logical thought processes in decision making as well as coordination. The Parietal Lobe which all senses and perception of the situations around you and so on through all Four Major Lobes. The CNS sends signals to the PNS which is divided. All signals from the frontal lobe would be sent to the Autonomic Nervous System because your thought process as well as being able to coordinate running or hiding is voluntary. The functions of the Parietal lobe would be sent to the somatic nervous system because it contains functions that do not require thought process such as breathing, increase in adrenaline and Pupil dialation.

The systemof the body that controls the actions emotions thoughts memories sensations and senses?

The nervous system, through its two divisions: the peripheral and central nervous systems.

What section in the brain controls thought voluntary movement memory an dlearning and also processes information from the senses?

brain stem (medulla)

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The main function of the cerebrum is to process and integrate sensory information, initiate voluntary movement, regulate emotions, and perform higher cognitive functions such as thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving.

What is the function of the peripheal nervous system?

The peripheral nervous system connects the central nervous system to the limbs and organs, enabling communication between the brain and the rest of the body. It controls voluntary movements via the somatic system and involuntary functions through the autonomic system, which regulates things like heart rate, digestion, and breathing.