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Jugular vein

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Jugular vein.

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Q: What is the name of the vein in the neck bringing blood from?
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A vein in the neck bringing blood down from the brain?

Jugular vein

What is the vein in the neck bringing blood down from the brain?

Jugular vein

A vein bringing blood out of your leg?

this vein is called the great saphenous vein

Where does the azygous vein carry blood from?

head and neck

What do you call the big vein on the side of your neck that is connected to your heart?

AnswerIt's called the carotid vein. Veins carry blood towards the heart and arteries carry it away. The vein that carries deoxygenated blood to the heart from the upper body is called the superior vena cava and the vein that carries blood from the head to that vein through the neck is the jugular vein.

Do the azygous vein carries blood from the head and neck?


Vain that carrys blood from head to heart?

The chief vein that carries blood from the head to the heart is the jugular vein. It is easily found at the anterolateral neck.

Blood from the face and scalp is drained by the what?

The blood from the face and scalp is drained by the external jugular vein. This vein is responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood back to the heart from the head, face, and neck areas.

How do you know if bulging vein in neck is blood clot or not?

Go and see your doctor

How come vampires drink blood from your neck if it is not the biggest blood source in your body?

It Is, That Is Where The Jugular Vein Is. The Jugular Vein Is The Biggest Most Important Vein In The Body And Runs Down Thw Side Of The Neck, If Opened There Is No Way To Close It And It Is Pressurized So It Spurts. All Your Blood Will Be Out Of Your Body Within 4 Minutes.

Which One of the four major blood vessels in the neck transporting blood from the head to the heart?

jugular vein

What carries blood from the brain to the heart?

The jugular vein carries blood from the brain towards the heart. It is identifiable in the anterolateral neck.