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Plaster of Paris.

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Q: What is the name of the material used to protect fossils and bones when they are being moved?
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Related questions

Are dinosaur bones and fossils still being found?


Are bones permanent?

Bones can decay like any other organic material. Sometimes, however, bones can be preserved in rock - those are called fossils.

Are fossils found in tar pits actual bones?

Yes, fossils found in tar pits can be actual bones of prehistoric animals. The tar pits preserve organic material such as bones, teeth, and plant remains by trapping them in the sticky tar, where they can become fossilized over time. These fossils provide valuable information about past ecosystems and the creatures that inhabited them.

What are people who dig up old fossils or bones?


What can fossils can be made of?

they can be make of bones

Why are fossils rarely found?

They have no bones.

How do you protect your bones?

By eating cheese and drinking milk - they contain Calcium, which is the main material that builds the bones; also doing sports to develop strong body.

What types of evidence of ancient life can be preserved as fossils?

Some types of evidence of ancient life that can be preserved as fossils include bones, teeth, shells, footprints or trackways, and imprints of soft tissues. Plant material such as leaves, wood, and pollen can also be fossilized.

When do most fossils form?

Fossils form when something dies and it decays over theyears. Thenall you see are the bones. Like dinosaurs bones!

What did the scientists find about dinosaurs?

Their fossils (bones).

Two kinds of bones?

living and fossils

What part of the fossil is found?

Harder parts of organisms become fossils. For example vasculature in plants and bones of animals are best preserves in the fossils.