Anticoagulants are used for conditions in which the blood may clot too easily. Warfarin (Coumadin) is monitored with PT and INR labs. Hematocrit relates to the red blood cell count, and is not generally focused on when monitoring anitcoagulant function.
A lavender/purple top tube is typically used to draw blood for a hematocrit test. This tube contains the anticoagulant EDTA, which helps prevent the blood from clotting during testing.
heparin. you're welcome guys :)
A red tube with no anticoagulant is typically used for an AFP test.
hematocrit or hemoglobin test
A lavender/purple top tube (containing EDTA anticoagulant) is typically used for an iron test. This anticoagulant helps preserve the sample for accurate testing.
The anticoagulant commonly used for blood tests is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). It helps prevent the blood sample from clotting by binding to calcium ions, which are necessary for the blood to form clots.
A purple or lavender-colored top tube with EDTA anticoagulant is typically used for collecting samples for a shingles test.
Hematocrit test measures the percentage by volume of packed red blood cells in a whole blood sample. It is used to evaluate the concentration of red blood cells in the blood and can help diagnose conditions such as anemia or dehydration.
C-reactive protein test (CRP)
prothrombin time
Hematocrit measures the volumeof packed RBCs as a percentage of blood volume.
A lavender or purple-top tube is commonly used for a glycohemoglobin test. This tube contains the anticoagulant EDTA, which helps preserve the blood sample.