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William Harvey

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Q: What is the name of the English scientist who first described the circulation of blood?
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English scientist who first described the circulation of blood?

William Harvey was the English scientist who first described the circulation of blood in his publication "De Motu Cordis" in 1628. Harvey's work revolutionized the understanding of how blood circulates in the body, laying the foundation for modern cardiovascular physiology.

Who was the scientist found out about blood circulation?

his name is William Harvey

Which scientist disproved Galen's theory about the circulation of the blood?

William Harvey, an English physician, is credited with disproving Galen's theory about the circulation of the blood through his groundbreaking work "De Motu Cordis" (On the Motion of the Heart). This work was published in 1628 and described the systemic circulation of blood through the heart and body. Harvey's discoveries were based on careful observation, experimentation, and dissection of various animals.

Who described the circulation of blood to and from the beat?

William Harvey, an English physician, is credited with describing the circulation of blood to and from the heart in his publication "De Motu Cordis" in 1628. He demonstrated how blood is pumped around the body by the heart and explained the function of the heart as a muscular pump.

Who was the scientist that was the first to discover the role of the heart arteries and veins in blood circulation?

William Harvey

Who discovered blood vessels and heart functions?

Some of the earliest discoveries were from the 16th BCE (before the common era). William harvey first described the circulation of blood.

What are the 2 of blood circulation?

what are the 2 blood circulation?.

Who was the English physician who described the complete circulatory system and the properties of blood?

edwin aldin

What are the three types of circulation?

the three types of Blood Circulation are.Portal circulationPulmonary (Lesser) circulationSystemic (Greater) circulation

Why the circulation in man is double circulation where as in fish is single circulation?

blood circulation was first reported by william harveyin man there is a comlpete separation of venous blood and arterial blood

Does mother circulation affect fetal circulation?

If the circulation you refer to is circulation of the blood, then yes, if your blood circulation is slower or faster, so is the baby's. Your blood circulates through the fetus and back into you, it's a constant cycle.

Who is affected by low or good blood circulation?

Everyone good be affected by low or good blood circulation. Hypothermia will cause someone to have bad blood circulation. Exercise can help someone have good blood circulation.