Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system which does increase the blood pressure. Many medications effect blood pressure, too many to name.
The common name for hypertension is high blood pressure. To be diagnosed with high blood pressure, a person typically has three or more readings of 140/90 or higher.
The real name for a blood pressure cuff is sphygmomanometer.
High blood pressure is hypertension, and low blood pressure is hypotension.
High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Diabetes Atherosclerosis Arteriosclerosis
radial is the artery that is palpated when checking a blood pressure
The blood pressure measured when the ventricles relax is called diastolic blood pressure. It is the lower number in a blood pressure reading, representing the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between contractions.
internal or external compelling pressure
Tension or tensile stress is what you described in the question.
The technical name for abnormally high blood pressure is hypertension. It is a condition where the force of blood against the walls of the arteries is consistently too high.
A sphygmomanometer.
Hypertension = High Blood Pressure Tachycardia = High Pulse