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Q: What is the muscle called that makes up your heart muscle?
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type of muscle that makes up the heart

What makes up the bulk of the cardiac muscle?

Cardiac muscle makes up the bulk of the heart. That tissue is made of cardiomyocytes or muscle cells.

What makes up the heart?

The heart is a muscle that pumps blood throughout the body. In humans, it is made up of four chambers and enclosed in a sac called the pericardium.

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Muscle tissue that makes up the heart?


Cardiac muscle makes up the bulk of what tissue?

Cardiac muscle makes up the bulk of the heart tissue. It is responsible for the contraction and pumping of the heart to circulate blood throughout the body.

Kind of muscle that makes up the walls of the heart?

cardiac muscle! Oh and if you say the heart doesn't have a muscle U R STUPID! It has a muscle

What type of mucsle makes up the heart?

cardiac muscle

What kind of muscle is responsible for the heart pumping action?

The heart itself is a muscle, however the heart all is made up of different muscles. The muscle knows as the MYOCARDIUM makes up the largest portion of the Heart Wall. The myocardium is made up of the cardiac muscle tissue, which is responsible for the pumping action.

What muscles are The only muscles in the heart and makes up the atria and ventricles?

Cardiac Muscle or myocardium are the muscle that make up the heart that contract and relax to pump blood.

Where do you fined the cardiac muscle?

Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. It makes up the walls of this vital organ.

What type of muscle tissue makes up wall of heart?

Cardiac muscle tissue forms the walls of the heart.