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Vagus nerve

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Q: What is the most important nerve of the digestive tract?
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Related questions

What invertebrate animals posses a digestive tract?

Most of them.

Where is most of the water absorbed in the digestive tract?

Most water is absorbed in the Large Intestine ! x

What part of the digestive tract has the most lymph nodules and bacteria?

The small intestine has the most lymph nodules and bacteria in the digestive tract. The lymph nodules help with immune responses, while the bacteria play a key role in digestion and nutrient absorption.

Most of the digestive system receives its parasympathetic innervation from the?

vagus nerve

What are the most common bactyerial infections of the digestive tract?

The most common bacterial infections of the digestive tract are caused by Shigella, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Yersinia. Patients taking certain antibiotics may be susceptible to infection with Clostridium difficile

What system is the small intestine part of?

The intestines are part of the digestive system.Yes

What is salmonellas most common injury?

Upset digestive tract. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Most organs of the digestive tract are held in place by a stretchable membrane called the?


As food moves through the digestive tract it spends the most time in the?

large intestine (colon)

What organ in the human body is resposible for the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream?

The digestive tract, but most specifically, the intestinal tract, or just plain old, "Guts".

What are the symptoms of a roundworm infestation of the digestive tract?

The most common symptom of having a roundworm infestation in the digestive tract would be stomach cramps and asthma-like symptoms. Also you will find roundworms in your stool should you have an infestation.

In a human the movement of glucose from the digestive tract to muscle cells is most directly a result of?

absorption and circulation