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A urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria in the urethra and the urinary bladder. The most common symptom is pain when urinating. It is imperative that one gets an ACCURATE diagnosis, visit a doctor immediately to find the cause of the infection.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

You must go to a doctor and get antibiotics.

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What is phenazopyridine?

Phenazopyridine is a pain reliever that affects the lower part of your urinary tract. Phenazopyridine is used to treat pain and burning usually caused by an infection, surgery, or catheter. It may treat symptoms of a urinary tract infection, but does not treat the actual infection.

What is phenazopyridin?

Phenazopyridine is a pain reliever that affects the lower part of your urinary tract. Phenazopyridine is used to treat pain and burning usually caused by an infection, surgery, or catheter. It may treat symptoms of a urinary tract infection, but does not treat the actual infection.

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No. Its for treating urinary tract infections

Does urosolvine treat Urinary tract infection?

No bcos it i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ not an antibiotic

Could an antibiotic used for tooth extraction be used to treat a urinary tract infection?

Yes. There are number of such options to treat the tooth infection and the urinary tract infection. You have fluoroquinolone group of antibacterials. Then you have many cephalosporin group of antibiotics to treat both the infections. Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid can be used.

What is ic clindamycin hci used to treat?

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How should 100 mg doxycycline be taken to treat a urinary tract infection?

Yesyou can take doxyccycline for a u.t.i. infection

Should you take prednisone if you have a urinary tract infection?

One should only take Prednisone if it is prescribed by a doctor for you. The doctor will give you the correct medications to treat your urinary tract infection as well.

What is a urinary analgesic?

A urinary analgesic is a pain reliever for the lower part of the urinary tract. It is used to treat pain, burning, and increased urination caused by infection in the bladder and/or urethra.

What is the best way to treat a urniary tract infection?

The best way to treat a urinary tract infection is with oral antibiotics. Since this type of infection is bacterial it can usually be cleared up this way within days.

What kind of infection cephalexin cure?

It is generally used for upper respiratory infections (bacterial), but can be used to treat a UTI (urinary tract infection).