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An ulcer is a sore on the lining of the digestive tract. Since Crohn's can effect any part of the gastrointestinal tract an ulcer can form anywhere from mouth to anus.

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Q: What is the most common ulcer in Crohn's disease?
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What disease is a chronic autoimmune disorder that is most often found in the ileum and in the colon?

Crohn's disease.

Could it be that the Depoprovera shot that you got has actually cured my Crohns disease?

No Depo provera has no known effect on Crohns disease. The progestin can change your appetite and therefore your eating habits but it does not cure Crohns disease. Most likely you are simply in a remission which has coincided with the new birth control.

Can nausea be a symptom of crohns disease?

Most certainly. Crohns while active can cause nausea as can some of the medications used to treat the disease. There are however many remedies to control the nausea.

What are the effects of the flu on a person with crohns disease?

Actually, the symptoms of Crohns disease are very similar to those of the flu. Most undiagnosed Crohns patients believe for a long period of time that they actually have the flu when in fact they are having a flare of Crohns disease. On the reverse, a veteran patient of Crohns will often experience the symptoms of the flu and suspect they are having a flare. The treatments for each are very different, so a Crohns patient needs to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Diet for crohns disease sufferers?

Most crohns disease sufferers benefit from a diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, natural grains and proteins. Try to eliminate processed foods and foods with additives and preservatives.

What is a chronic autoimmune disorder that is most often found in the ileum and in the colon?

Crohns disease

Will crohns disease be auto decline for health insurance?

In most cases yes. Crohns disease patients find it very difficult to get standard and affordable health/life insurance. Premiums for diagnosed patients when available tend to be very high.

What are the most common forms of ulcers?

The most common forms of peptic ulcer are duodenal and gastric.

A peptic ulcer resides in the?

A peptic ulcer is an ulcer of the stomach. Current research has discovered that the most common cause is H. pylori, a bacteria that resides in the stomach.

What is an ulsor?

An ulcer is a discontinuation of a membrane,. The most common are mouth ulcers. There are also internal ulcers such as a peptic ulcer or IBD.

What is crohns's disease?

Crohns disease is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the intestines. Crohns disease can affect the digestive system anywhere from the mouth to the anus. It most often causes ulcerations in the large and small bowels, typically at the joining of the two bowels called the ileum (located on the right side of the abdomen near the appendix) but can manifest anywhere in the digestive tract. Symptoms include but are not exclusive to, abdominal pain often severe, cramping, nausea, frequent diarrhea, rectal bleeding. These symptoms often result in severe weight loss, fatigue, and depression. Follow the link provided below for much more information. Crohns disease is an inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract that affects both children and adults. Crohns can affect any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. The cause of Crohns disease is unknown. Common symptoms of Crohns disease can include abdominal pain and tenderness, diarrhea, anal pain and or drainage, rectal bleeding, severe weight loss, mouth sores, fissures, fever, infections, bloating, gas and rectal abscess. Patients can also have problems outside of the digestive tract, including skin rash, joint pain, eye redness and liver problems. Crohns disease is a chronic illness, medical and surgical treatments can help control the course of the disease, but cannot cure it. Treatments now are allowing many patients to experience long periods of symptom-free remission.

Can you have a baby if you have crohns?

Yes , Crohns patients can have children. Of course it is depending of what medications you are taking for the Crohn's, some medicines used to control the disease can effect the baby if you get pregnant while taking them.