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Cirrhosis, a disease that kills healthy liver cells, replacing them with scar tissue, is the most common reason for liver transplantation in adults.

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Q: What is the most common reason for liver transplantation?
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the liver NIBF~ It's probably the skin if you are trying to get the whole thing also the skin is the fastest organ to be rejected from the body

What precautions are taken after liver transplantation?

The first three months after transplant are the most risky for getting such infections as the flu, so patients should follow these precautions

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Biliary atresia is the most common lethal liver disease in children, occurring once every 10,000-15,000 live births. Half of all liver transplants are done for this reason.

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They're not. Kidney and liver are the most common.

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The most common and dangerous complications of heart transplant surgery are organ rejection and infection. Immunosuppressive drugs are given to prevent rejection of the heart.

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What risks exist for patientd in undergoing a kidney transplantation?

As with any surgical procedure, the kidney transplantation procedure carries some risk for both a living donor and a graft recipient. Possible complications include infection and bleeding (hemorrhage). The most common complication.

The most common condition disorder resulting from excessive alcohol consumption is or fatty liver.?

because the liver cant process it fast enough.

What are the two most common transplants?

cornea and kidney. (and skin) Liver and kidney