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Some would claim that 'Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified' (PDD-NOS) or 'Atypical Autism' is the least severe (note: I did not use the term 'mildest' as Autism is never mild) form of Autism, but it has become widely acknowledged of recent that these separate categories are best included under the heading of 'Asperger's Syndrome' as there are no real valid reasons left existing for them to have separate labels.

More and more, professionals are realising that the differences between people with Asperger's syndrome, and their developmental differences especially, are the result of the myriad of strategies such people employ to cope in an often hostile or aversive world, a result of the unlikeliness of any given person with AS being influenced much by those around them, a result of the wide range of impacts their environments and upbringing have on them. E.g. it is possible for a person to be mute at one end of the Asperger's spectrum and yet another to be prosaically articulate and exceedingly verbose at the other end. With every permutation imaginable between.

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13y ago

Asperger's Syndrome can range from very mild to severe, just as autism can. A mild case of Asperger's Syndrome could be when a person has mild forms of many of the symptoms or could be when a person has a small number of the symptoms with only one or two in a severe form. Most people have some of the symptoms of AS, but not to the extreme that those with AS have them. Even in a mild case of AS, there will be some impairments.

A person with milder AS might be able to function well in most situations, whereas a person with severe AS might not leave the house because too many situations cause panic or meltdowns. The AS desire for routines, when disrupted, could result in a person with AS being indecisive or confused or go to the extreme of a meltdown.

The diagnosis of PDD NOS (atypical autism) is sometimes used for people who basically meet the description of Asperger Syndrome, but don't have enough symptoms for a diagnosis. For example, a person who has no noticeable difficulty with nonverbal communication one-on-one, but can't monitor multiple people and figure out how they relate to each other (for example, not noticing that two people are a couple when they're actually engaged). Not all PDD NOS is mild Asperger Syndrome, though, since it's a catch-all for those who don't fit one of the specific autism spectrum diagnoses.

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14y ago

kanners autism, or more commonly known as classic autism. It is low functioning and sufferers usually have below average IQ. There are other types of autism like savants (rain man) which is extremely rare. Also Aspergers syndrome is under the autistic spectrum although there is speculation whether its a condition of its own, sufferers usually have average or above average IQ and can often be classified as high functioning autism. I have Aspergers syndrome.

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10y ago

There is no such thing as 'mild autism'. A person is either autistic or they are not, how they are effected can vary greatly from person to person and change over time - a person can be mildly affected, they do not have 'mild autism'.

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