Regarding an individual afflicted with a disease, this is called "Pathology". However, if it pertains to how diseases are generated in large groups of people, this would be termed "Epidemiology".
Pathology is the study of diseases. In practice it usually leans toward descriptions of how they appear under the microscope.
Epidemiology is the study of the cause of diseases, usually using statistical analysis to determine risk factors.
Etiology is the term that breaks down as "study of cause."
etiology is the study of the cause of a disease
Epidemiology is the study of patterns of disease or the spread of disease.
Neuropathology is the study of nerve disease.
There are three specialties that focus on disease in the most general sense: (1) Epidemiology, the study of disease incidence and risk (2) Etiology, the study of the origins and causes of disease (3) Pathology, the study of the nature and effects of disease in the human body
Immunize is the medical term meaning to make resistant to an infectious disease using agents related to the immune system. Prophylax is the medical term meaning giving medication or treatment to prevent disease.
Epidemiology, or the study of heath patterns within a given population.Epidemiology
The word "pathology" originates from the Greek words "pathos," meaning "suffering" or "disease," and "logos," meaning "study" or "science." Therefore, pathology can be understood as the study of suffering or disease. In the medical field, pathology refers to the study and diagnosis of diseases through the examination of tissues, organs, and bodily fluids.