The medical terminology combining form meaning brain ventricle is "ventricul/o." It is derived from Latin and is used to describe the cavities within the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid.
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Endocrine is the medical term for secreting within.
Intraventricular. As in the Intraventricular Septum, the wall of muscle between the two ventricles of the heart.intraventricularIntraventricular means pertaining to within the ventricle.
The medical term for "pertaining to within a cell" is "intracellular."
The medical term for muscles located within an organ is "smooth muscles" or "involuntary muscles." These muscles are responsible for the involuntary movements of internal organs, such as those in the digestive system, blood vessels, and uterus.
Endo- is a combining form meaning within, and exo- is a combining form meaning without.
-scopy is the medical terminology form meaning process of viewing within the body. Examples are colonoscopy and endoscopy.
The medical term for bleeding within the muscle tissue is intramuscular bleeding.
The medical term for pertaining to within the lumen is "intraluminal."
The endosteum.