It means that you have a stone in the gall bladder and may need surgery to remove the gall bladder if you are having trouble some symptoms of abdominal pain nausea, vomiting or recurrent infection of the gall bladder
The meaning of the word "Cholelithiasis" refers to the formation or presence of gallstones in the gallbladder or bile duct. These gallstones can cause severe pain in the abdominal region.
Cholecystolithiasis is the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder.
The presence of concrements (stones) in the gallbladder.
In giraffes, a gallbladder is usually present in the fetus, but disappears in late gestation. The presence of a gallbladder in a giraffe calf is considered an anomaly.
Also known as cholelithotomy, gallstone removal is a procedure that rids the gallbladder of calculus buildup.
Solidified crystal solids in the gall bladder are "gallstones," "biliary calculi," or "choleliths" : the presence of stones in the gall bladder is called "cholelithiasis". (pronounced "koh-luh-lih-THY-uh-sis")cholelithiasis
"Cholecyst" means "gallbladder," so cholecystiasis is a disease having to do with the gallbladder. Specifically, it is inflammation of the gallbladder.
I believe that this condition is called gallbladder hydrops.
It is used in both forms, gallbladder or gall bladder, with the same meaning.
Cholecystectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the gallbladder. It is typically done to treat gallbladder conditions such as gallstones or inflammation.
No, the spleen and gallbladder are not ipsilateral. The spleen is located on the left side of the body, while the gallbladder is located on the right side of the body.
A cholecystography is an examination of the gallbladder to check for the presence of gallstones. The types of cholecystography are endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, oral, and the gallbladder series or X-ray.