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means you can see close up, but objects that are far away are blurry, and the opposite of that is far sighted

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Q: What is the meaning of near - sighted in easy wording?
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Are dogs near-sighted or far-sighted?

Dogs are near-sighted, meaning they can see better up close than far away. They rely more on their sense of smell and hearing for hunting and navigating their surroundings.

If you are near and far sighted are you blind?

No, think about it, if you are near sighted you can see near, if you are far sighted you can see far, if you are both you can see both No, think about it, if you are near sighted you can see near, if you are far sighted you can see far, if you are both you can see both

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no actually there is a Mexican camel spider that is NOT near sighted.

If nearby objects look blurry to you would it be near-sighted or far-sighted?

Far sighted. you can tell this by this way: Near-sighted- you can sight nearby things. Far sighted- you can sight far away things.

Is Kevin Jonas near sighted?

No not at all Kevin,s not near sighted but i hear Joe is.

If you need glasses are you near or far sighted if you can't see close up?

Near Sighted. If you need glasses if you cant see close up, you are far sighted. You need the glasses to see close up, so your not near sighted.

Are you long sighted if you are myopic?

A myopic person is a near sighted person

What are the release dates for Near-Sighted and Far Out - 1964?

Near-Sighted and Far Out - 1964 was released on: USA: November 1964

What is a synonym for myopia?

near sighted

How can the word ''near-sighted'' be used in a sentence?

I need my glasses for driving because I am too near-sighted to read the traffic signs.

If you are myopic are you long -sighted or short -sighted?

If you are myopic, you are short-sighted. Myopia is a condition where near objects are seen clearly, but distant objects are blurry.

What are the release dates for The Near-Sighted Auto-Pedist - 1916?

The Near-Sighted Auto-Pedist - 1916 was released on: USA: December 1916