"Lusty" typically refers to having strong sexual desires or being full of vigor and energy. It can also imply a robust and healthy physical condition.
Robert Lusty died in 1991.
Robert Lusty was born in 1909.
The duration of The Lusty Men is 1.88 hours.
Wilfrid Mervyn Lusty died in 1987.
Wilfrid Mervyn Lusty was born in 1907.
Alex Lusty was born on 1973-04-09.
The Lusty Men was created on 1952-10-24.
Alan Lusty has written: 'Full of Eastern promise'
Lusty Taylor was born on April 15, 1944, in Tacoma, Washington, USA.
Lou Lusty was born on August 14, 1898, in New York City, New York, USA.