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Individuals with generalized anxiety disorder cannot pinpoint the cause of their nervous feelings, whereas individuals with phobias can.

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Q: What is the main difference between generalized anxiety disorder and phobic disorder?
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What is the Dissimilarity between pseudo neurotic schizophrenia and Generalized anxiety disorder?

A few diffrent things. 1. One is "pseudoneurotic schizophrenia" and the other is "Generalized anxiety disorder" 2. You placed a space in the first words causing them to be wrong.. 3. GAD is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry. whereas Pseudoneurotic schizophrenia masks a latent psychotic disorder.

What is the difference between anxiety and an axiety disorder?

I think the difference between the two is that anxietywere you get worried about things, while anxiety disorder is when it is were you can't control you anxiety and you worry about everything. That is just what I inffer. Hope it helped!

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being antisocial is a choice that is made to not engage in social activities and may be cause by social anxiety disorder but social anxiety disorder is a disorder that causes fear or nervousness brought on by being engaged in social activities.

Is there a difference between being painfully shy and social anxiety disorder?

i think there is a big difference. I have social anxiety but i can start a conversation with anyone. It depends on the "symptoms" i suppose.

What is the major difference between normal anxiety and abnormal anxiety?

Generally, normal anxiety is a reasonable reaction to a stimulus. Abnormal anxiety is either when you become anxious without any stimulus or when the reaction to a stimulus is beyond that which is considered reasonable. When anxiety begins to interfere with your life and your daily actions, then it may be time to seek help.

What is the difference between panic disorder and anxiety attacks or arent there any?

PANIC DISORDER is just a way of lableing someone who has anxiety attacks.A PANIC ATTACK is just a more intense form of an anxiety attack. Avoiding these situations is the best way to eliminate these feelings.

Is there any site that focuses on anxiety?

There are several sites that focus on anxiety. One such site is, which differentiates between the differed types of anxiety disorders and suggests treatment for the disorder.

Could a person have an anxiety disorder if they cannot sleep at night because they feel as though the spaces between their toes are too big?

This may exhibit as anxiety but sounds more like an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What is the difference between mental dysfunction mental illness mental disorders etc?

Mental disturbance is milder (insomnia due to stress). Mental disorder is more severe (anxiety disorder). Mental disease is severest (schizophrenia). The line of treatment, the prognosis differs.

What is the difference between a phobia and an anxiety disorder?

Phobia is a minor type of afraid to something, and anxiety disorder is highness scared level, that produce anxiety on the human or any alive thing, animal etc.The normal level generates adrenaline production on every body , the over production of that could be dangerous to the normal function of the system on every body.Its normal become anxiousness on an abnormal situation. After it happened , step by step the body recover the normal function. Otherwise it becomes on some phobia, or if gets worse some anxiety disorder.

What is the difference between schizo effective and schizo affective?

There is no difference. The correct term is schizoaffective disorder. Schizoeffective disorder is a misspelling.

The difference between bipolar I disorder and bipolar II disorder is?

the number of depressive and manic episodes.