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Ventilator to keep your lungs full of oxygen and circulating in your bloodstream until it can be decided whether to turn it off or organs to be donated.

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Q: What is the machine called your put on if your pronounced brain dead?
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Can you have even a slight pulse after being pronounced dead?

Someone who's "only" brain dead can have a pulse - but otherwise, no.

If you drowned can you live?

No. You are dead. In some cases life does exist but the brain is dead and the person is on a machine.

How long can a brain dead person live?

Sadly while their body can continue to go on with the help of machines, their mind, their personality, and all other parts of them mentally are already gone. Once a doctor has pronounced a person brain dead he is sure of his findings and this is something that cannot be reversed. There is no blood flow in their brain and their brain does not react in any way to stimulation. A quick way to see if someone may be brain dead is shining light into their eyes; a person who is truly brain dead does not have a pupil response. Eventually this person who is brain dead is let off of machines which keep their body alive and their body dies as well. Hopefully, if the person is able to give organ donations they do so, because they could be saving other's lives.

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The medical examiner pronounced Sandy dead.

How do i comfort my girlfriend that's been pronounced dead?

It means she can not feel anything, the body is just a shell and only alive with the help of machines. She is not in there anymore since the brain is dead. There is nothing you can do.

When will the Penguins of Madagascar episode Brain Dead air?

There doesn't appear to be an episode called Brain Dead.There's Brain Drain. That aired Feb 26th 2011

Does a coma patient have brain activity?

Since a coma is just going to sleep and never waking up, a coma shouldn't cause brain damage. It is just that the brain is in a permanent mode of sleep in which the victim cannot be aroused.

Will undertaker return back after his brain dead?

He isn't brain dead.

When was Michael Jackson pronounced dead in Australia?

No, he was pronounced dead at UCLA medical centre, Los Angeles, which is in the USA.

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Dead Weather Machine was created in 2004.

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Dead Rhythm Machine was created in 2004.

What are some sentences using the word pronounced?

He was pronounced dead at the scene