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Q: What is the lung disease that sounds like scartoid or Starcoid?
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sounds like bs

Is there any disease called sir?

There is a disease (skin disease) that sounds a bit like "sir," called psoriasis (pronounced ser-eye-uh-sis)

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Sounds like influenza.

What abnormal electrical discharge of neurons disease did Julius Caesar and napoleon suffer from?

Sounds like epilepsy.

What disease does a person suffer from who have lesions on the planter part of the foot?

It sounds like a wart. It may also be Athletes Foot.

Is it normal to see tiny black pimples on the soft palate of the mouthe?

No! sounds like an escar to me?! Check with the doctor- its probably a disease..

What cells that fight disease are always present in the body what cells or parts of cells are produced after the disease-causing virus enters the body?

Sounds like our old friends the White Blood cells!

Can fat sparing area in liver cause a disease?

I believe a fatty liver can cause disease but it could be from something controllable. It sounds like you're leaving out info needed to accurately answer your question.

A white powdery substance on plant leaves peace lily prayer plant with this problem?

sounds like downy mildew, its a fugi disease

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Sounds like ringworm

Your gums are enlarged what can you do to make them go down?

Sounds like you really need to go to the dentist - you may have gum disease and need serious treatment.