Could be fatty tissue, or something more serious. Contrary to belief, males suffer from breast cancer aswell as females. I would visit a doctor just to be sure.
it's okay I just read about it its just early signs of breast development
A lump under one or both nipples is common in early puberty for both boys and girls. If you are not in puberty, a lump under one nipple deserves a checkup.
yes under your nipple from exesive hormone levles this is from past expeirience
You should probably get that Checked out!
If you have lump under your right nipple you should watch it and go a doctor about it
If you feel a disc shaped lump in your nipple, then it is working out too much or puberty. Ask your doctor.
you could be pregnant - get a test done
breast cancer
Talk to your doctor right away.
It depends on the day of your menstrual cycle. It is best not to speculate but to get a medical opinion.
It could be a condition called Gynaecomastia, caused by hormonal changes. Always best to see a GP though!