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The long-term prognosis for someone with cystic fibrosis varies greatly from person to person. Genetic mutations, modifier genes, environmental factors, and, to some degree, luck can all influence the progression of the disease. Many people with cystic fibrosis live into their 20s, 30s, and beyond but there are some that do not. There are exciting new drug therapies in the pipeline that have the ability to change cystic fibrosis from a life-shortening disease to a completely manageable disease. For instance, the drug Kalydeco is considered a functional cure for a certain subset of the CF population.

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Basically, you're ill all the time, medication all day, everyday and you will get a lot of hospitalizations. We die earlier than most people, but everyone dies anyway.

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Q: What is the long term prognosis for a cystic fibrosis sufferer?
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Long arm

How long does cystic fibrosis last?

The person who has Cystic Fibrosis has it for life.

Does religion have an impact on cystic fibrosis?

Unfortunately, cystic fibrosis cannot be cured by prayer. If it could be cured by prayer, the disease would have disappeared a long time ago, because there are a great many people praying all the time. We have a great abundance of prayer, in this world. But we still have cystic fibrosis.

What resaerch is being done on cystic fibrosis?

Unfortunately, cystic fibrosis cannot be cured. There is medication getting better all the time but now, the government in the UK have not funded in any cure. This means that in the UK, we may only find a cure if a devoted medical professional actually spent his own time to find the cure

Can people with Cystic Fibrosis use hallucinogenic mushrooms?

There is no evidence to show that it will be detremental to the Cistic Fibrosis its self, as long as you maintain your treatment regime there should not be a problem with you using them in moderation.

Who was the first cystic fibrosis pacent?

That's impossible to tell. It is a genetic disease, so someone long before recorded history had to have had it.

What condition causes the airways to become inflamed and thickened and an increase in the number and size of mucus producing cells?

Chronic bronchitis is a condition that causes inflammation and thickening of the airways, leading to excess mucus production. This can result in symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, and recurrent respiratory infections. It is often associated with smoking and long-term exposure to irritants.

Should you go out with a guy who has Cystic Fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis is noncommunicable, so in that respect there is no concern. If you want to have children then there is about a 50% chance your kids will have CF, there is genetic screening to determine if your also a carrier, thus raising the chance. CF is most common in white Europeans especially of German descent. With early identification and tratment the outlook for a long life for CF patients is better than ever.

What age does cystic fibrosis occur?

it is a infection in the liver an dlungs and can kill u...... if u have exercise everyday and drink lots of fluids an have a healthy diet also u can take medicines to help treat this dissorderEdit from another person:Cystic Fibrosis is not an infection, it is an inherited genetic disorder. Nor is it restricted to the liver and lungs, as my mother has it in her uterus and ovaries. However, I believe the (incomplete) question was about what it does. Basically, it causes tissues to become hard tumors, which can continue to grow in size significantly.

What is the current life span of a person with cystic fibrosis?

There is no cure for CF, and most individuals with cystic fibrosis die young: many in their 20s and 30s from lung failure. However, with the continuous introduction of many new treatments, the life expectancy of a person with CF is increasing to ages as high as 40 or 50. Lung transplantation is often necessary as CF worsens.

Your 6 month old granddaughter has phocomelia and cystic encephalomacia--what are the symptoms and prognosis?

phocomelia is a defect in the development of the long bones. causing a shortened limb can affect one or more of the limbs. the hands and feet are generally not affected.

What complications are associated with ABPA?

Patients with ABPA sometimes cough up large amounts of blood, a condition that is called hemoptysis. They may also develop a serious long-term form of bronchiectasis.ABPA sometimes occurs as a complication of cystic fibrosis.