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The liquid organ of the circulatory system is blood. The liquid portion of the blood, minus the formed elements, is the plasma.

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Plasma is the liquid portion of the circulatory system.

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Q: Circulatory system consist of what liquid?
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What health concern would the circulatory system consist of?

the circulatory system transport all the blood to the whole body.

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The cardiovascular system and the circulatory system are the same. They consist of the heart, veins, blood vessels, arteries and blood supply.

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The organs of the circulatory system include the blood, blood vessels, and heart. The blood is an unusual organ in that it is a liquid.

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No. The urinary system removes liquid wastes from the body using the kidneys. The circulatory system pumps blood around the body delivering oxygen and nutrients and removing carbon dioxide.

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They're both the circulatory system.