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Q: What is the link in twin deficits?
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Related questions

Why are budget deficits and trade deficits sometimes called the twin deficits?

Twin deficits or double deficits is a summary of the two related economic problems, the budget deficit and the international trade deficit. The budget government deficit is the difference between government revenue and it's spending. Both deficits occur when someone is spending more than they earn.

Is there a link between maternal age and twin birth?

There is definitely a link between maternal age and twin birth. Older mothers tend to have multiple babies at birth.

What has the author Heather D Gibson written?

Heather D. Gibson has written: 'Between \\' 'Twin deficits in credit-rationed economics' 'Investment and credit-rationing in four European countries'

What are all of the twin prime numbers?

There are an infinite number of pairs of prime two apart, classified as "twin primes". For lists, see the link.

What is used to diagnose color deficits?

Typically, the Ishihara tests are used to diagnose color deficits.

What are cortical deficits?

Lacunar strokes LACK cortical deficits. Exactly what are cortical symptomes, I do not know. =-(

What did the twin towers look like in a pic?

Link: Copy, Paste. the twin tours look like a pile of dust when they were hit. now they are buliding there to take the twin tours place

What companies worked in the twin towers?

The list is long so; they're on the link below.

When did the American government begin having deficits?

The US government has had deficits off and on since 1789. It's not a new thing.

How much bigger is a full bed than a twin?

Full is 54 inches wide, twin 39 inches. May vary by an inch. Link below for sizes-

What street was the twin towers on?

The Twin Towers were in a large plaza. Please see the Related Link to see a picture of all of the streets bounding the World Trade Center.

Why might it be a bad idea to create money to cover budget deficits?

Printing money to cover deficits creates inflation. This raises interest rates and prices which usually leads to more government expenditure and larger deficits.