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OCD does not affect life expectancy.

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Q: What is the life expectancy of someone who suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder?
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Related questions

What is it called when someone has to touch everything in sight?

It is called obsessive compulsive disorder.

What do you call someone who is obsessed with money?

A lot of obsessions fall under the category of OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Whats are Examples of Obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Cleaning Eating Working out Spelling Correctly Poking someone ANYTHING can become an ocd

Which disorder makes people obsessively to straight and line up everything around?

That would be OCD, or, obsessive-compulsive disorder......but the disorder has many different forms of symptoms or "rituals" that someone can suffer from.

Why would someone vacuum all the time?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can compel sufferers to repeatedly vacuum their homes, even when the carpet appears clean.

Are most health freaks bipolar?

This is not within the criteria of what qualifies being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. I have Bipolar Disorder and have known many other with the disorder. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a possible category for someone who you see as a "health freak".

What do you call someone obsessed with fashion?

Fashion addictFashion guru (if they are an expert)FashionholicFashionistaMany psychologists believe those obsessed with fashion and looking good actually have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Is it weird to freak out when someone touches your clothes and must rewash it before you can wear it?

If this happens often, yes. It's called obsessive-compulsive disorder. Look it up on wikipedia. Take it seriously.

What is the definition of obsessive compulsive disorder?

Obsession Compulsive DisorderObsessive Compulsive Disorder, otherwise known as OCD is when someone is overly obsessive with some act, or task and such. It could be general: Like a clean houseColor coordinating clothesOr it could be specific: Washing you handsLocking a doorTo be "obsessive" refers to something that is done repeatedly, and habitually. Someone who washes their hands, 5x in an hour, every hour, everyday, then they have OCD. I believe you have OCD when your obsession corrupts your everday life. When ordinary operations take more time and effort, you're considered obsessive. However, it is a mindset that can be altered. It's curable, but it takes determination and desire to change. A process similar to smoking or overeating. I don't believe you are born with it because the youth don't seem to be victoms. Also, it's difficult to determine who is obsessive when we are a culturally oriented soceity where beauty and perfection scream at us left and right.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [OCD] is a type of anxiety disorder. OCD is characterized by distressing repetitive thoughts, images or pictures that are frightening, intense, absurd or unusual. These ritual actions, known as compulsions, help reduce anxiety caused by the individuals obsessive thoughts.

When do obsessive and compulsive behaviors begin to become a disorder for someone?

For starters, compulsions and obsessions are not normal at all. However, they grow into medical conditions when you spent a lot of time thinking or performing them. Then they turn into disorders, whether it is OCD, Bipolar Disorder, OCPD or any other.

What is the difference between OCD and mild depression and bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disease refers to someone who has sudden and severe mood swings. They have no control over these emotions and are sometimes very irrational during these times. OCD, aka Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, refers to someone who is obsessive about something. These people need to do repetitive things throughout their day. See "Difference between ADD and OCD"

Can Obsessive compulsive disorder cause anger problems?

It can. When the compulsory actions are not performed, someone who suffers form OCD gets really anxious and anxiety often leads to aggression and outbursts.