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Q: What is the life expectancy of a 67 year old male who has diabetes and had quadruple heart bypass surgery 4 years ago and has a bad diet and no exercise?
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Life expectancy for a man who had quadruple bypass surgery?

My father had a quadruple bypass at 49 and is now 61.

Can i have gastric bypass surgery if I have diabetes?

Yes, you can have the gastric surgery while having diabetes. If you have gastric surgery while having diabetes, it can actually help to eliminate or cure diabetes. It is up to the patient/person though to decide whether or not they want to have the surgery.

What is the survival rate of triple bypass surgery for a 81 year old?

what is the survival rate of triple bypass surgery for a 85 year old male

Are there any websites that could help me find more information on bariatric surgery with diabetes?

The website explains to on whether or not the surgery can help cure diabetes. It also explains how people with diabetes can have the surgery.

If a person does not have diabetes can he have diabetes in a surgery or after a surgery?

Yes, it depends on what kind of surgery you have done. Thus, if it is surgery of pancreas, thyroid, or adrenocortical gland, or liver or stomach, these kinds of surgery can cause diabetes as side effects (better check with your doctor before running the surgery and how to take proper care).

How do you treat feline diabetes?

Treatment of diabetes in ferrets - First is what caused the ferret to have diabetes? Once the diagnosis of diabetes is reached, treatment ferrets is a complicated. Diabetes mellitus is uncommon in ferrets, though not unheard of, and it can be a transient condition after insulinoma surgery. The causes of diabetes that are likely affect ferrets - the first is due to pancreatic destruction. Two common causes for pancreatic damage that may affect the secretion of insulin are insulinoma surgery and pancreatitis. Diabetes that develops secondary to insulinoma surgery is probably the most common form of diabetes and tends to be transient. refer to link below for more information

How does cosmetic surgery help diabetes?

I have known of Patients who report that their diabetes has improved after some cosmetic surgery procedures. In particular weight loss procedures. If have diabetes and you are considering cosmetic surgery you should see your fmily Doctor first, especially if he is managing you diabetes

Where can I find info on diabetes bariatric surgery online?

Diabetes and Bariatric Surgery - Diabetes Health is a good place to start, but you have to keep in touch with your doctor so that he can also regulate you.

Meaning and sentence of quadruple?

Quadruple means MULTIPLYING something by four. Like: "I had quadruplets!" -That means I birthed four kids at once. Or: "My grandfather need a quadruple bypass." -That means that four arteries were bypassed for the surgery to be successfully completed. Or: "The rookie forward made quadruple goals today!" -That means they scored four times.

Where can I learn more about bariatric surgery and diabetes?

A local doctor or Bariatric Surgeon would be good places to learn more about Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes. Information may also be found on the world wide web at various websites such as these,,, and

What are the dangers of getting gastric bypass surgery when having diabetes?

Having diabetes and getting gastric bypass surgery is no more risky than someone who doesn't have diabetes. The only additional risk is the aftercare of the surgery. Diet will have to be strictly monitored. Gastric bypass is good for diabetes patients. It is a proven way to help reverse type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes and Gastric Bypass Surgery?

When it comes to individuals who suffer from diabetes, weight loss has often been a tricky subject. Many diabetes sufferers are overweight and find it difficult to exercise due to the symptoms of their disease. Recently, medical studies have shown that gastric bypass surgery can actually reverse diabetes even before patients lose weight. Since gastric bypass works by shrinking the stomach, the patient will ingest fewer calories. This helps to normalize blood sugar and can actually halt the process of diabetes. In addition, an increase in hormone production following surgery can stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin on its own.