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Appox.7-8 years after diagnosed.There are several stages of alzheimers and each stage will require constant supervision.the last stages will ultimately require you to include the care of a hospice facility,always discuss as a family when the care seems to require additional help.

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15y ago

my grandparents had it and they lived a good couple of years. though i can't say they were good year. i had to watch them slowly fade. so you should enjoy your time with your family member who has this disease sooner than later

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12y ago

A person over 70 with Alzheimer's usually doesn't live over 5 years.

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14y ago

Most people who have Alzheimer die within eight years of their diagnosis but this interval may be a short as 1-3 years or as long as 20 years

Average is eight years

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11y ago

Three important variables of age, sex and other health problems,

approximately 6 to 8 years.

See Online Web MD Alzheimer's Life Expectancy Calculator

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4.5 years

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How long can a person live with Alzheimer’s

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