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Subcutaneous Injection.....other sites for subcutaneous injections could be the fat of the arms, thighs, and hip regions.

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Q: What is the injection into the muscle belly called?
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What is the medical term meaning medication placed directly within the muscle?

Intramuscular injection involves placing the medication directly into the belly of a muscle.

What term do they use when an injection right into the muscle?

An injection into muscle is called 'an intramuscular injection.'

What is interamuscular injection?

Inter, means 'within'. Muscular, means 'Muscle'. Often called an IM injection, it means it is delivered directly into the muscle

What type of injection is given when a large amount of medication must be given into a muscle?

an injection into the muscle is called a Intramuscular injection or IM injection for short. These are the safest types of injections for people who are not certified to work with animals to give.

What is the slender muscle that parallels the posterior belly of the digastric muscle?

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Why does a bruise occur when after an injection?

Because to many injections in your belly/stomach

What is muscle belly?

the belly of the muscle is where the motor point is located cat for days gift doe apple fart poop head deck and the movement occurs. usually located in the middle of the muscle/ bulkiest part of the muscle poop tart

What smaller hip muscle is commonly used as an injection site?

my anatomy and physiology teacher has told my class multiple times that the smaller hip muscle that is a common sight for injection is the gluteus medius.gluteus medius

What do you do if you a pulled mucle in your belly buton?

Cry, because there is no muscle inside your belly button.

Which is the muscle used for giving vitamin K injection for babies?

vastus lateralis muscle

What does intramuscular use mean?

Into The Muscle; Within The Muscle