The spine, which would have a deformity causing an opening in the lower part of the spine and nerve damage from that point down; the brain can be effected, with hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and in severe cases, mental retardation, and in more mild cases, possible learning disabilities such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD); the legs and/or feet may be paralyzed or partially paralyzed. The hydrocephalus would require a shunt, which is a tube placed in the brain to drain the excess cerebrospinal fluid out. The bladder and bowels are sometimes affected, with the person having no or limited control of them.
If you are talking what countries have spina bifida, it would be everywhere. If you are talking about where on the human body, it is on the back, usually in the lower back. This is because the neural tube begins closing in the middle and then progresses towards the top and bottom, so the last places to close are near the head and near the lower back.
It seems you wrote too much information in your question to be able to actually ask a question!
Human anatomy is all about human organs and body systems.
Alexander P. Spence has written: 'Basic Human Anatomy with Human Anatomy Color Atlas Bundle' 'Basic human anatomy' -- subject(s): Anatomy, Human anatomy 'Biology of the gall midge Rhopalomyia hirtipes O.S' -- subject(s): Gall midges 'Human anatomy and physiology' -- subject(s): Human anatomy, Human physiology, Anatomy, Physiology
the human body anatomy is, the study of the morphology of the human body.
John Thomas Aitken has written: 'A manual of human anatomy' -- subject(s): Anatomy, Regional, Dissection, Human anatomy, Human dissection, Regional Anatomy
Susannah Nelson Longenbaker has written: 'Mader's understanding human anatomy & physiology' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Human anatomy, Human physiology 'Mader's understanding human anatomy & physiology' -- subject(s): Human anatomy, Human physiology
Maurice Arnold has written: 'Reconstructive Anatomy' -- subject(s): Anatomy, Human, Human anatomy
Jones Quain has written: 'Quain's Elements of anatomy' -- subject(s): Anatomy 'Quain's elements of anatomy, ed. by W. Sharpey A. Thomson and J. Cleland. 2 vols. [issued in 3 ..' 'Quain's elements of anatomy' -- subject(s): Anatomy 'Quain's Elements of anatomy' -- subject(s): Anatomy, Human anatomy 'Quain's elements of anatomy' -- subject(s): Anatomy, Human anatomy 'Elements of anatomy' -- subject(s): Anatomy, Human anatomy 'Elements of anatomy v.3' 'A series of anatomical plates' -- subject(s): Atlases, Human anatomy, Anatomy
Andreas Vesalius is the one who discovered the detailed study of human anatomy. This was done in 1543 which gave an accurate account of the human anatomy.
M. W. Woerdeman has written: 'Atlas of human anatomy, discriptive and regional' -- subject(s): Atlases, Human anatomy 'Atlas of human anatomy' -- subject(s): Anatomy, Atlases
Charlotte M. Dienhart has written: 'Basic human anatomy and physiology' -- subject(s): Human anatomy, Human physiology, Anatomy, Physiology