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The worse concern is the inability to get oxygen into the blood stream. It is often said that the person drowned in his own fluids.

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Q: What is the greatest concern when the alveoli are filled with fluid?
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What is the serious infection in which fluids collect in the alveoli?

Pneumonia is when fluid collects in the alveoli

What is the fluid in the alveoli called?

The fluid in the alveoli of the lungs is called pulmonary surfactant. It helps to reduce surface tension and prevent the alveoli from collapsing, allowing for efficient gas exchange during respiration.

What is the fluid that lines the alveoli is produced by?

what is the name of the liquid layer that lines the alveoli

Reduces the surface tension of the fluid in the alveoli?

Surfactant, a substance produced by type II alveolar cells in the lungs, reduces the surface tension of fluid in the alveoli. This helps to prevent the collapse of alveoli during expiration and facilitates the exchange of gases in the lungs.

What term describes a fine crackling or bubbling sounds when there is fluid in the alveoli?

Crackles: Fine crackling or bubbling sounds, commonly heard during inspiration when there is fluid in the alveoli; also called rales.

The alveoli in the lungs exchange oxygen with what fluid inside the body?


What do the lungs contain?

Alveoli, pleura fluid, lung tissue, blood

What is filled fluid?

A closed sac with fluid in it

What is a blastocoele?

A blastocoele is the fluid-filled cavity in the blastula.

How does partial pressure affect the movement of oxygen from the alveoli to the blood?

Partial pressure affects the movement of oxygen from the alveoli to the blood because it is the main driving force for oxygen movement in the lungs.Oxygen passes from the air to the fluid within the alveoli, into the cell of the alveoli.

What is the medical term meaning fluid-filled cavities in the brain?

The ventricles are the fluid-filled cavities of the brain.

Which serious lung infection causes the alveoli to fill up with fluid?
