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Q: What is the general name for the muscles that control the exit of the bladder?
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Related questions

Nervous control of urination involves what mechanism?

The nervous control of urination involves the detrusor muscle in the bladder contracting to expel urine and the sphincter muscles relaxing to allow urine to exit the body. The process is regulated by a complex interplay between the brain, spinal cord, and nerves in the bladder. Stimuli from the bladder are transmitted to the brain, which then sends signals back to coordinate the muscles involved in urination.

What is the general definition of the plasma membrane in an animal?

it is the boundry of control of what enters and exit the cells

Double tube from kidney to bladder?

The tube that travels from the kidney to the bladder is called the ureter, not to be confused with the tube that travels from the bladder to the exit point from the body, which is called the urethra.

What is the advantage of sphincters controlling the exit of urine fromm the bladder into the urethra?

pig entestines

What is the exit of liquid wastes from the body?

Liquid wastes from the body exit through the urinary system by being excreted as urine. The kidneys filter waste from the blood, which then travels through the ureters to the bladder for storage. When the bladder is full, urine is expelled through the urethra.

What is the tube that conduct urine from the bladder to the exterior for the bladder?

The tube that conducts urine from the bladder to the exterior is called the urethra. It serves as a passageway for urine to exit the body during urination.

What PSI does urine exit the body?

Urine exits the body at varying pressures, typically ranging from 8 to 20 pounds per square inch (psi). This pressure is influenced by factors such as the bladder's contractions and the individual's muscle control.

What does control shift exit does?

if you mean escape it opens up the control panel

What does the anus do to the food?

The anus is the exit point of the digestive system. Its main function is to expel waste material, including undigested food, from the body in the form of feces. The anus has sphincter muscles that control the release of feces from the rectum.

What connects the renal hilus to the bladder?

The ureter connects the renal hilus (where the kidney pelvis is located) to the bladder. It carries urine from the kidney to the bladder for storage and eventual elimination from the body.

How can we control air pollution?

We can control air pollution points by adding air filters to the exit points.

How are waste transported to the kidneys?

Waste is transported to the kidneys through the bloodstream. Blood containing waste products flows into the kidneys, where they are filtered out and excreted as urine. The waste products are carried to the kidneys by the renal arteries.