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The primary job of the large intestine is to reabsorb water back into the body. It also forms stools which are then excreted from the body during a bowel movement. Feces contain about 1/3 dead red blood cells, 1/3 dead bacteria, and 1/3 plant fiber. The smell of feces is due mostly to the decomposing food matter and the gases given off by the intestinal bacteria that help you digest your food. Another interesting fact, flatulence gets its odor mostly from two chemicals; methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide, also given off by intestinal bacteria.

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10y ago

The function of the large intestine is to get rid of solid waste from the human body. The large intestine needs silica to function properly.

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What doe large instestine do?

The large intestines job is to absorb nutrients

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it is absorbed in the small intestine before it gets absorbed back into the large instestine.

What is the function of a large instestine?

The large intestine absorbs water and electrolytes from undigested food material, forming feces. It also houses bacteria that aid in the fermentation of indigestible carbohydrates and the production of certain vitamins. Lastly, the large intestine helps to store and eliminate waste from the body.

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The large intestine acts like any other large instestine in any animal: it absorbs excess water from the fecal matter before being expelled through the anus.

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What are some indigestible waste products found in the large intestine?

cerebral spinal fluid, happens in the small instestine which follows it to the cecum, where the large instestine secretes, roasted insulin by products, where they use enzymes and antacids to break down the food.

Where does most re-absorption of water occur in the digestive system?

large the large intestine

What do you call the food that goes down the esophagus?

Chewed up food in the esophagus and stomach = bolus, In the small intestine = chyme In the large instestine = waste / fecal matter/ feces

How does a large intestine complete its function?

The large intestine function is digest to your food