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The nutrients that are absorbed through the villi are transfered to the blood stream where it can be transfered to other parts of the body. So the vessels enable the villi to transfer nutrients to the blood system.

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haha. not funny

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They carry away the absorbed nutrients.

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Q: What is the function of blood vessels in villi?
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What is the function of blood vessels of the villi?

The blood vessels in the villi absorb nutrients from digested food in the small intestine and transport them to the rest of the body. This allows nutrients like glucose and amino acids to be distributed to cells for energy and growth.

What does villi contain - tissue or blood vessels?


What is the villi function?

Villi are finger-like projections in the small intestine that increase its surface area for better absorption of nutrients from food. They contain blood vessels and lymph vessels to transport nutrients to the rest of the body.

What color is the villi?

The villi in the small intestine are typically a pinkish color due to the presence of blood vessels.

What can absorb food and pass it into the blood vessels from the ileum?

Small Intestine.

Are the only blood cells that function entirely in blood vessels?

The only blood cells that function entirely within the blood vessels are red blood cells.

What does the digestive system do for the circulatory system?

When your food is being digested and it is in your small intestines and the villi sucks up the nutrients it gives the nutrients to blood vessels which take it to your cells. Small intestines and villi are parts of digestive system. Blood vessels and cells are part of circulatory system.

What are the function of villi?

the villi are tiny finger-like protrusions lining the small intestines. Digested food passes the villi and broken-down food molecules are absorbed through a wall of cells, and into tiny blood vessels inside the villi called capillaries. Nutrient filled blood from the capillaries joins the main bloodstream in veins around the intestines, ready to be used in other parts of the body. Having villi lining the intestines ensures maximum absorption of nutrients through a huge surface area.

What the function of blood vessel?

Blood Vessels-are the passageway of blood.

What absorbers food?

The lymph vessels or the blood vessels of the digestive absorb the digested food through the tiny projections in the small intestine called villi.

What is the main function of the blood vessel?

The main fuction of blood vessels is to help the blood reach the arteries

Why villi is suited for its function?

Villi are suited for their function because they greatly increase the surface area of the small intestine, allowing for efficient absorption of nutrients. Their structure includes a single layer of specialized cells called enterocytes that facilitate the absorption process. Additionally, villi have a rich blood supply and lymphatic vessels to transport absorbed nutrients quickly to the rest of the body.