Olivine typically exhibits conchoidal fracture, which is a type of fracture characterized by smoothly curving, shell-like surfaces. It does not have distinct cleavage planes due to its orthorhombic crystal structure.
Olivine does not have cleavage. It exhibits a granular or irregular fracture pattern instead of cleavage planes.
Olivine fractures.
Olivine is a nonmetallic mineral with a hardness on the Mohs Hardness Scale of 7. It has a white streak and its color is pale or dark olive-green to yellow, or brown. It forms short crystals that may resemble sand grains. Also, it has a conchoidal fracture and has no cleavage. It is brittle and has a specific gravity of 3.3 to 3.4.
Olivine is 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.
Its not at the port
Olivine city
you can find olivine rocks in volcanoes in Greenland.
A Fisherman gives it to you in Olivine
strength is in olivine city in the olivine cafe
the cafe in olivine is to the LEFT of the poke centre,