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extensor digitorum brevis

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Q: What is the four-part muscle on the dorsal aspect of the foot?
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What is the opposite of the sole of your foot?

The opposite of the sole of your foot is the top of your foot, which is also known as the dorsum or the instep.

What is the major intrinsic foot muscle located on the dorsal side of the foot?

There are two: the extensor digitorum (toes) brevis muscle and the extensor hallucis (big toe) brevis muscle.

What is the prominent muscle on the posterior aspect of your lower leg?

The prominent muscle on the posterior aspect of the lower leg is the gastrocnemius muscle. It is the larger, more superficial muscle of the calf that helps with plantar flexion of the foot, such as when pointing the toes downward.

What is dorsalis pedalis?

"Dorsalis pedis" refers to a major artery in the foot that supplies blood to the dorsal aspect of the foot and toes. It is commonly used in medical examinations to assess blood flow to the lower extremities.

What is called under your foot?

Plantar aspect The medical term for under the foot is the plantar aspect. It is the padded area on the bottom of the foot, just before the toes. The bottom of the foot is also known as the sole. The front part of the plantar aspect, where the metatarsal bones are located, is sometimes called the ball of the foot. The medical term for the top of the foot is the dorsum or dorsal region

What is a fracture of the dorsal aspect of the distal talus?

A fracture of the dorsal aspect of the distal talus is a break in the top portion of the talus bone near the ankle joint. This type of fracture can be caused by trauma or injury to the foot and may result in pain, swelling, and difficulty bearing weight on the affected side. Treatment typically involves immobilization with a cast or boot, and in severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

What is the upper surface of the foot between the toes and ankles called?

The upper surface of the foot between the toes and ankles is known in medical terminology as the dorsum of the foot, or the dorsal surface of the foot.

What is the scientific term for your foot?

dorsal is the top and plantar is the bottom

Where would you find the dorsal venous arch?

The dorsal venous arch can be found on the upper surface of the foot, located between the toes and the ankle. It is a network of veins that collect blood from the superficial veins on the top of the foot.

What are the features of molluscs?

Broad, muscular foot Dorsal concentration of internal organs

The heel of the foot is on what side of the body?

The heel of the foot is located on the posterior side of the body, opposite the toes.

What is plantar aspect?

The plantar aspect refers to the bottom surface of the foot. It is the side that comes into contact with the ground when standing or walking. This part of the foot contains structures like the plantar fascia, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.